President Elect

Laboratory of Pharmacology, Medical School, Democritus University of Thrace, Alexandroupolis, Greece – Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacoenetics Unit, Academic General Hospital of Evros, Alexandroupolis, Greece.
Director and Professor of Pharmacology, Pharmacogenomics, and Precision Medicine

Prof. Manolopoulos obtained a PhD from the Medical School of Patras University in 1991. Between 1992 and 1995 he was a postdoctoral researcher at the Milwaukee Clinical Campus of the University of Wisconsin. Then he took a post as senior research scientist at the Medical School of the Katholic University in Leuven, Belgium, between 1995 and 1998. Since 1998 Dr Manolopoulos has been in a faculty member in Alexandroupolis teaching basic and clinical pharmacology to medical students. Also, since 2001 he has developed and teaches a course in Pharmacogenetics (since 2015 renamed to Pharmacogenomics and Personalised medicine), one of the first to be introduced to the Medical School undergraduate curriculum worldwide. He has authored more than 115 indexed publications that have received more than 2900 citations, h# 30 (Scopus), including 3  in New England Journal of Medicine, in one of which he was the corresponding author (NEJM 369:2304, 2013). His current interests include research and clinical applications of pharmacogenomics and epigenetics in drugs used in anticoagulation, diabetes, psychiatry, and oncology. In addition he has a long-standing interest in endothelial cell physiology and atherosclerosis. He has received funding for his research from national and international funding bodies. He directs a Masters’ Course in Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics and heads the Research Committee of his Medical School. He is the president of the Greek Society for Basic and Clinical Pharmacology and also participates in the Executive Committee of the European Association for Clinical Pharmacology (EACPT). He is the President-elect of ESPT.

Dept Clinical Chemistry, Erasmus MC University Medical Center, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Professor Pharmacogenetics

Prof Dr Ron van Schaik (PhD/FACB/EuSpLM) is Director of the International (IFCC) Pharmacogenetics Expertcenter and leads the Unit Research & Development of the Dept. Clinical Chemistry, Erasmus University Medical Center Rotterdam, The Netherlands. His focus is clinical implementation of Pharmacogenetics. Research topics include Transplantation, Oncology, Pain and Psychiatry, as well as cell free DNA applications in oncology and solid organ transplantation. He has published >260 articles in the field of pharmacogenetics and is also involved in prostate cancer research and cardiac markers. Prof van Schaik has given >400 invited lectures at national and international conferences, and participates in several international committees on pharmacogenetics, a.o. IFCC Task Force Pharmacogenetics (Chair, 2008–2016), IATDMCT PGx-Committee (chair, 2008-2014), IUPHAR PGx-committee (2015-present), European Society for Pharmacogenomics and Personalised Therapy (President, 2016-present), AACC Personalized Medicine Division (2012-2016) and PGx Working Group EMA (2010-present) and the Dutch PGx-working group (DPWG; 2005-present). He received the Ortho Clinical Diagnostics Award for outstanding research (2001), the AACC Outstanding Speaker Award (2009) and the AACC/Mol Pathology Award for Outstanding Scientific Research (2010).

Member: ESPT, AACC, IATDMCT, CPIC, KNMP, NVKC, IUPHAR, NVKFB, Golden Helix, G2M, Global Medicine Alliance, DPWG, KNMP, EMA