Research Group
The strong linkage between Research Teams, Research Groups working in the field and ESPT will represent the scientific image of our organization.
The Research groups representing one or two domains important for Pharmacogenomics and Personalized Medicine:
- Will be put with the best possible visibility on our Web site and in documents. The activities of the research group will be described shortly on the web with the updated publications of the members
- The group is constituted of a leader, who have to be ESPT full member and 10-30 associate members
All members have full access to all ESPT activities (Restricted area on the ESPT web site (DMPT, teaching platform) and Reductions for courses, schools and meetings)
- The members particularly the young members will be strongly associated with the scientific activities of ESPT (Annual meetings)
- They could participate and propose new committees. This strategy will support also dynamically the carriers of young co-workers