Welcome to the website of the European Society of Pharmacogenomics and Personalised Therapy (ESPT)!
ESPT is a scientific non-profit society aiming at enabling the integration of pharmacogenomics and pharmacogenetic information into today’s health care. Founded in 2011, the Society is organizing yearly scientific meetings and summerschools to facilitate its mission and vision.
The society consists of a Clinical Implementation Division, a Research Division, an Educational Division and a Communications Division. In addition, the Society is proud to have its own journal: DMPT. The society reaches over 600 members, consisting of individual members, research groups, National PGx Societies, Corporate members and a Scientific Advisory Board. One of the important aspects of our society is to bring together all stakeholders to exchange the latest information, to stimulate new research and to facilitate implementation of pharmacogenomics/pharmacogenetics.
Do you want to be a part of this exciting Society, and contribute to the ESPT Mission and Vision? Then do not wait any longer, and click the “become a member” button! We would love to have you on board!
Kindest regards

Ron H.N. van Schaik
Aims of ESPT
ESPT aims to stimulate the translation of pharmacogenetics/genomics research into clinical use, by:
- Supporting clinical implementation both on a national and clinical laboratory level
- Stimulating exchange of information between stakeholders
- Facilitating research
- Providing and structuring education
- Serving as a partner for industry
Giving input to regulators and policy makers in the field of personalised medicine*
* Pharmacogenomics
Pharmacogenomics corresponds to theapplication of the systematic screening of the human genome for the search of genetic markers sensitive to the action of the drugs either at the level of the cellular or molecular targets,at the level of the drug metabolismor even at the level of the pathological pathways involved.
* Personalized Medicine
Personalized Medicine refers to a medical model using molecular profiling for tailoring the right therapeutic strategy for the right person at the right time, and/or to determine the predisposition to disease and/or to deliver timely and targeted prevention
The first, strategic plan is intended to achieve a number of principal objectives, with the priorities and tactical implementation being guided by the ESPT Membership.
These internal and external changes are all intended to maintain ESPT as a valid and credible resource of expertise for the improvement of patient care through laboratory medicine.
- To improve and maintain the multidisciplinary and international leadership of ESPT in specific Pharmacogenomics (PGX) biomarkers activities. PGX is the best example of personalized therapy and personalized medicine.
To ensure that its standardization and research activities are more oriented towards the patient and towards promoting the health and well-being of the individual. - To ensure consistency between its activities and the stated expectations of the ESPT members, recognizing the needs of both developed and developing countries. To increase the number of National Societies and Networks.
- To develop and maintain ESPT communications, to promote publications and products from ESPT, including recommendations, guidelines, consensus reports, commentaries, and to set up joint promotion activities with other European and international organizations.
- To establish collaborations, joint meetings and projects with European and international organizations having interest in the field of PGX and – personalized medicine.
- To promote ESPT through international and regional congresses.
- To promote Members’ activities.
- To encourage scientific and professional development of individuals in Research groups and the recruitment of new members and experts to ESPT operating units.
- To develop and maintain Public Relations.
- Each new ESPT Executive Board revisits and interprets these principal objectives, so that they are fresh and relevant to current issues, challenges and opportunities.
- The result is a series of specific strategic objectives for the period of an Executive board.
Article 1. – Name
The society, established under the French law dated 1st July 1901 and the decree dated 16th August 1901, is called: “Société Européenne de Pharmacogénomique et Thérapie personnalisée – European Society of Pharmacogenomics and Personalised Therapy” (ESPT).
Article 2. – Objective
The European Society of Pharmacogenomics and Personalised Therapy is a non-profit-making organisation. Its objective is to promote training and research in pharmacogenomics and personalised therapy, in order to produce quality-controlled information for applications in clinical practice and for patients. It aims to facilitate contact between all those sharing its objectives, in particular those working in Europe. The Society will encourage and endeavour to integrate fundamental multidisciplinary approaches to research and transform them into clinical benefits, both for professional training and education of the general public, in all the areas of human pharmacogenomics, clinical pharmacology, laboratory medicine and personalised medicine.
Article 3. – Life-span
The Society has been founded with an unlimited life-span.
Article 4. – Registered address
The registered address of the Society is 30 rue Lionnois – Présidence de l’Université de Lorraine – UMR INSERM U1122 ; IGE-PCV– 54000 NANCY – FRANCE
Article 5. – Members of the Society
There are 7 categories of members.
5.1. Individual full members:
Membership will be open to any person working in the pharmacogenomic and personalised medicine field, preferably, but not exclusively, based in a European country.
5.2. Students full members:
Students, includingPhD students are included in this category (under 35 years old)
5.3. National organisations members:
The members of National societies or corresponding networks related to pharmacogenomics that have firmly agreed to collaborate with ESPT in the name of their society. A national representative full member is in charge of the society members
5.4. Associate members:
It is a category of individual members in the scientific groups
5.5. Corporate members
Any company involved in the field of pharmaceutics, biotechnology, laboratory medicine or related disciplines may become a corporate member.
5.6. Scientific Advisory Board members
Experts in the field of pharmacogenomics and personalised therapy proposed by any ESPT member and accepted by the General Assembly. They are nominated for a period of 4 years renewable.
5.7. Honorary members:
This distinction is awarded to those who have made an exceptional contribution to the field of pharmacogenomics and personalised therapy.
Collaboration with European and International Institutions
ESPT will sign agreement with European and International Institutions, foundations, research institutes and organisations working in the field for avoiding overlapping activities.
Article 6. – Subscriptions
Individual full members, students, corporate members, associate and national society members will pay an annual subscription, the amount of which will be determined by the Executive Board. The subscription for students may be set at a lower amount than that of other members.
Subscriptions will be waived for members of other categories, honorary and scientific advisory board members.
Subscriptions are given in euros, payable at the beginning of each civil year for each paying membership category.
Article 7. – General provisions
7.1. Admission
To join the Society, an applicant must be approved by the Executive Board which will confirm by a majority vote at each of its meetings on the applications for admission presented.
7.2. Loss of membership statutes
Membership of the Society may end:
– by voluntary resignation;
– by death;
– by the dissolution, closure or merger of an organisation which is a member;
– by in arrear of payment annual subscription for two consecutive years. The exclusions must be decided by the Executive Board by a majority vote after getting a statement of the member concerned. The member concerned may not take part in this vote and may not vote by procuration.
Article 8. – Activities
The Society organises, co-organises and supports meetings, symposia, conferences and other scientific meetings as well as educational programmes in order to produce information for applications in clinical practice and for patients in the field of pharmacogenomics and personalised therapy. A major event is the Society’s annual congress, which should preferably take place in the spring or autumn. A General Assembly will take place during this event. Other activities contributing to the Society’s objectives may also be undertaken, such as participation in grant applications, in clinical trials, multi-site trials, and evaluation of biomarkers, drawing up and preparing critical independent expert opinions recommendations appropriate to the Society’s areas of interest.
Article 9. – Publications
The Society will publish the programmes of its congresses and abstracts of the presentations. From time to time, the Society will also publish its committees’ reports, and directives and recommendations after ratification by the Executive Board. At present, the journal “Drug Metabolism and Personalised Therapy” (DMPT), published by De Gruyter, is the Society’s official journal. The members of the Executive Board will work closely with the chief editor of DMDI and will encourage members of the Society to submit their work to the journal. The Society reserves the right to periodically examine and modify its publication strategies.
Article 10. – The General Assembly
All members in good standing may take part in the General Assembly. General Assembly may be ordinary or extraordinary. Meetings considered as extraordinary will be those where decisions are to be taken concerning modification of the statutes and winding up the Society.
A General Assembly will take place at least once a year and whenever necessary. The date and place of the General Assembly will be communicated one year prior. Notices to members convening a meeting must show the agenda and should to be sent (either by letter or electronic mail) to all members at least 15 days before the meeting. Minutes of a General Assembly will be taken to record decisions taken and acceptance of the budget. They will constitute an official document of the Society.
No quorum is required for Ordinary General Assembly. Decisions taken in an Extraordinary General Assembly will be valid if 30% of members in good standing are present or represented. If this quorum is not reached, the Extraordinary General Assembly will be reconvened and will constitute a quorum independent of the number of delegates.
Each member in good standing has one vote. A member may give written procuration to vote to another member. One member may not represent more than one other member. If the number of votes is equal, the President, or in case of absence, the president elect, will have the casting vote.
Ordinary decisions are taken by a simple majority of votes. Decisions in an Extraordinary General Assembly are taken with a two-thirds majority of the members present or represented.
The General Assembly will approve the budget and the accounts of the Society, elect or dismiss members of the Executive Board and may modify the articles of association and dissolve the Society. The agenda of the General Assembly must include:
– presentation, by the President or Secretary, of the Society’s activities over the past year
– presentation by the Secretary or Treasurer of the Society’s finances validated by independent company.
– discussions and decisions concerning the above
– creation of divisions and the reports of their activities
– presentation of plans and objectives of divisions for the next elective period
– determination of members’ annual subscriptions
– approval of the choice of location for future General Assembly
– any other questions proposed by the Executive Board, particularly broad general policies.
Article 11. – The Executive Board
11.1.Executive Board
The Executive Board is the governing body of the Society and has all the powers necessary to take decisions. It assumes responsibility for all questions except those specifically reserved by law and by these Articles of Association to the General Assembly, to which it is responsible. The minutes of Executive Board meetings will be recorded to provide a record of activities envisaged and decisions taken. They will constitute official documents of the Society.
11.2. Composition
The Executive Board will be composed of:
The President
The President elect
The immediate Past-President
The Treasurer
The Secretary General
Usually six to ten Councillors
The executive members should represent various areas of expertise and a broad geographical location. It will aim to maintain male/female equilibrium. The term of office of a member of the Executive board will be four years. Members of the Executive Board are re-eligible once at the end of their term of office.
Any member of the Executive Board who has been repeatedly inactive in the Society’s affairs, being absent on any executive board meeting within a year and/or developing activities in conflict with ESPT, as judged by the Executive Board, may be dismissed by a simple majority decision of the General Assembly.
The Executive Board will confirm the selection of the General Secretary, the Treasurer and give specific task to the members at large. The members of the Executive Board are appointed for a period of 4 years which can be renewed only once. This period finishes at the end of the General Assembly ruling on the accounts of the previous accounting period concurrent with the final year of their term of office as administrator.
11.3. Elections and appointments
If a vacancy occurs, the Board can temporarily replace a member or members. Definitive replacement occurs at the next General Assembly. The power of the substitute Board member ends when the term of office of the member replaced would normally have terminated.
If members of the Board and in particular the President reach the end of their terms of office without new elections in view immediately, they will remain in office until the next election in order to ensure that the Society always has a body with the power to represent it, manage its affairs and act in its name.
At each General Assembly, new members of the Executive Board may be proposed and elected to maintain a minimum of 10 members. In accordance with article 5, any member of the Society working in the vast field of pharmacogenomics and personalised medicine is eligible.
For maintaining equilibrium between the different disciplines, and a balance between previous members and new ones a nomination committee will be created two years before the elections.
11.4. Board meetings
The Executive Board will meet regularly, at least annually and at any other time if the President requests it. The Executive Board will also meet on written request from 5 of its members. The agenda of the Executive Board must be sent with the notification (as a simple letter or e-mail) to the members of the Executive Board at least 10 days before the meeting with the necessary documents. Each member of the Executive Board has one vote. If there is an equal number of votes, the President or, in case of absence, the President elect, will have the casting vote. A simple majority is required for decisions.
11.5. Steering committee
This is composed of the President, President elect, the Past President, the General Secretary and the Treasurer. It is authorised to act in the name of the Executive Board between the meetings of the latter. It follows the Society’s affairs and meets at least twice a year.
Article 12. Responsibilities
12.1- President
The President chairs the Executive Board, the Steering Committee and the Society. The President is responsible for carrying out the decisions of the Executive Board and ensuring that the Society functions well.
The President represents the Society in all public affairs. In particular the President is entitled to act in legal proceedings to defend the name of the Society and as plaintive with the authorisation of the Executive Board. Under the same conditions the President may formulate an appeal.
The President may only come to a compromise with the authorisation of the Executive Board.
The President convenes the General Assembly and the Executive Board as well as the Steering Committee and chairs all the meetings. The President fixes and chairs Executive Board meetings, Steering Committee and the General Assembly. At the President’s request, the organisation of these meetings may be initiated or organised by the General Secretary. In the absence of the President, the President elect acts as a substitute. In exceptional circumstances, the Executive Board may select another member of the executive to assume the President’s responsibilities until elections can be organised.
Neither the President nor any other person appointed by of being member of the Executive Board may, without the prior agreement of the Executive Board, agree to any operation whatsoever, and particularly any financial transaction involving more than 12 000 euros.
The President may delegate in writing some of the powers set out above to another member, an official of the Society or any person that could be considered appropriate.
12.2 President elect
The President elect shall:
a) represents the society in the case of short-term hindrance of the president.
b) is member of the steering committee
c) may assist the president in all tasks.
d) automatically becomes president after one election-period (4 years).
12.3 General Secretary
The General Secretary shall:
a)maintain an actual member directory of the Society including the voting members
b) keep the records of all meetings of the General Assembly, the Executive Committee and other boards
c) distribute the agenda for the meetings of the General Assembly at least 15 days prior to the meeting, and shall distribute the minutes of the meetings not later than three months after the meeting
d) collect and distribute information with reference to the activities and objectives of the Society from and to member societies and associations as well as members
12.4 Treasurer
The task of the treasurer is to render annually a complete financial account and submit a proposed budget to the General Assembly. Financial experts could bring advice and organize a finance committee.
Article 13. – Divisions
The General Assembly and the Executive Board may create ad hoc divisions and working groups. The members of these divisions, working groups are appointed for a period of 4 years which can be renewed once. They are not members of the Executive Board.
The Executive Board appoints the chairs of each division for 4 years. These divisions will regularly prepare reports for the Executive Board and cannot represent the Society without written consent.
The composition of the divisions and their objectives will be presented to the General Assembly and must be approved. The division chairs could be invited members to the Executive Board. The divisions and permanent committees are currently as follows:
13.1. Education and Training division
This division is composed of full members and associate members. They coordinate all ESPT training activities and create the necessary working groups.
13.2. Scientific and Clinical Implementation division
This division is composed of full members and associate members. They coordinate all ESPT Scientific and Clinical Implementation division activities and create the necessary working groups.
13.3. Communication and External Relations division
This division is composed of full members and associate members. They coordinate all ESPT public relations and cooperation activities and create the necessary working groups.
13.4. Congress and Meetings division
This division is composed of full members of the Executive Board and associate members. They coordinate all ESPT symposia, conferences, congresses and workshop activities and create the necessary working groups.
Other divisions or committees could be created and validated at the next General Assembly. Divisions can be divided in active subunits.
Article 14. – Committees
Short term committees (two years) could be created for preparing useful recommendations, opinions papers or consensus reports. Those committees could be scientific or educational. Joint committees with other institutions are the best strategy. They are usually composed by a Chairman nominated by the Executive Board and 2 members. .
Article 15. – Organisation of the General Assembly (G.A.)
The Executive Board will decide where future meetings will take place in conjunction with the Congress and Meetings division. The sites suggested must be accepted by the General Assembly.
Except when otherwise stated in its Articles of Association, all the elections, or decisions, at the Ordinary General Assembly or in the Executive Board may be taken by a simple majority vote.
The sites chosen for the ESPT congresses and the G.A. must be decided at least 1 year in advance. The Executive Board, with the assistance of the Congress and Meetings division, must seek invitations for the desired locations and select a site.
A contract should be signed between ESPT and the organizer of the ESPT congress.
Article 16. – Vote and elections of the Executive Board
1/ A Nomination Committee (NC) is created 2 years before the renewal of the Board members.
The Nomination Committee is composed of a minimum of 4 members including the Past President, the President Elect and the previous NC Chairman. The Chairman of the Nomination Committee is designated by the Executive Board.
The Nomination Committee propose candidates for the election of the President, the President elect and eventually for the General Secretary and the Treasurer and the members of the board at large. The list of candidates should be ready 4 months before the election.
The election will be organized by the General Secretary and presented at the next General Assembly.
The vote could be done electronically one month before. The voting members are the full members in good standing (subcategories 5.1 and 5.2), the leaders of the national societies (5.3), the scientific groups leaders and associate members (5.4), the corporate members (5.5) and the scientific advisory board members (5.6).
The results will be presented to the General Assembly for final approval.
2/ A call for candidacy must be made at least six months before the General Assembly.
Article 17. – Winding up the society
Winding up requires a vote with a majority of 2/3 of the members at an Extraordinary General Assembly at which half of the members are present or represented.
If the Society is to be dissolved, its assets will be attributed to the International Red Cross or to other charitable associations.
President General Secretary