University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Pharmacy, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Full Professor of Clinical Biochemistry, PI in genetics of complex disorders

Full professor of Clinical Biochemistry, coordinator of PhD program of Clinical Biochemistry at University of Ljubljana and principal coordinator of the CEEPUS CIII-SI-0611 network of student exchange program. Her research is focused on genetic backgrounds of complex diseases like osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, insulin resistance, obesity (metabolic syndrome), etc. After genotype-phenotype association studies her group continued to functional evaluation of genetic variations using primary and mesenchymal stem cell models. She is the member of four international consortiums and is the partner in the Interreg IT-SLO EU-project ARTE (2017-2020). Her bibliography consists of over 120 scientific papers (h-index=21) and is the member of editorial boards of five international scientific journals. For her contribution to development of laboratory medicine profession in Slovenia she received the Recognition from SACCLM in 2016.